
Choosing to Fight By Kevin Michalowski
There has been a lot of talk recently about whether or not crime victims should fight back against their attackers. Some folks say your wallet, your credit cards or your car keys are simply not worth your life. This is true. But how do you know where the attack will...

Giving (Good) Advice About Guns By John Caile
Sooner or later, most of us gun people will be asked (usually by someone new to carrying a firearm for personal protection), “What’s the best gun for concealed carry?” I typically have at least one or two novice gun owners in a carry class of a dozen people, and this...

SIG Sauer P365 Nitron Micro-Compact 9mm Review of 2018 New SIG Sauer P365. Posted by Scott W. Wagner CREDIT:
At long last I've able to get my hands on a test sample of what is arguably one of the most talked about and sought after new concealed carry handguns introduced in 2018-the SIG Sauer P365. The name P365 name is not derived from a sequential numbering of a pistol...